Curriculum Outcomes involved:


  • Physical Science: Properties and Changes in Materials
    • Physical Changes
      • Observe and identify physical changes that can be made to an object and that can change the form or size of the material in the object without producing any new materials
      • Observe and identify some physical changes that are reversible and some that are not



  • Physical Science: Forces and Simple Machines
    • Forces and their Effects
      • Observe, investigate, and describe how forces can act directly or from a distance to cause objects to move or hold them in place
      • Describe forces as contact or non-contact forces
      • Demonstrate and describe the effect of increasing and decreasing the amount of force applied to an object
      • Make observations in order to describe force qualitatively and quantitatively
      • Estimate the force needed to lift or pull a given load in standard or nonstandard units
    • Friction
    • Investigate and compare the effect of friction on the movement of objects over a variety of surfaces
    • Demonstrate the use of rollers, wheels, and axels in moving objects
    • Describe how the understanding of the concept of friction has led to the development of products that reduce and enhance friction



  • Earth and Space Science: Weather
    • Properties of Air
      • Classify according to several attributes and create a chart of described situations demonstrating that air takes up space, has mass, and expands when heated
      • Draw a conclusion, based on observation, about the patterns of air and/or water flow that result when two air or water masses of different temperature meet


 Demonstrations that may apply to your lesson plans:





 If you are a teacher and would be interested in helping us develop appropriate demonstrations for Grade Five, please feel free to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. us!



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